Emotional Labor

Emotional Labor: Why A Woman’s Work is Never Done and What To Do About It by Regina F Lark, Ph.D, CPO

Emotional labor is the unnoticed, unwaged, unwritten work women do in the home and in the paid workforce. It includes everything from assuring socks match to coping with a virus, schooling, a job, and family life all under one roof. Largely invisible, the mental load of emotional labor weighs heavily on the shoulders of women. Dr. Regina Lark, the author of Emotional Labor: Why A Woman’s Work is Never Done and What to Do About It is a feminist historian with years of professional organizing experience in homes, offices, and storage spaces. This book examines women’s relationship to emotional labor from early American history to the COVID-19 era. Emotional labor is generally thought to be women’s work, whether at home or in the office, but it is actually not gender specific. It’s just, well, work!

Available on kindle and in paperback.



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